Becca Stumpf Editorial
I work with authors, agents, packagers, publishers, and marketing/ad teams. Below are some of the editorial services that I offer. If you have a writing project in need of something not specifically mentioned, please get in touch! I’m happy to let you know how I can help.
For Authors
Query Letter Review & Consultation
Query letters are nothing to fear! In fact, learning how to craft a strong query is not only a crackerjack life skill, the process of editing your query letter can provide needed perspective on your creative work and give you the tools to conceptualize and talk about your manuscript in a way that captures your reader's imagination. Having been on the receiving end of query letters, I know what catches a publishing professional's eye - and what doesn’t. If you are an author looking to submit work to an agent or editor and your query package is in need of an unsparing, illuminating edit, I'm your gal. I will work with you to get your query letter, synopsis, and the first 10 pages of your manuscript shipshape and submission-ready.
Developmental Editing
It’s advice that every writer knows by heart: “kill your darlings” (i.e., ditch those bad writing habits that feel oh-so-good). But after you’ve spent months and sometimes years with your manuscript or book idea, those darlings have become enmeshed in a ball of subjectivity and you need help untangling the threads. That's where a developmental edit comes in. Whether you are an unpublished writer, a successful indie author, or a traditionally published author under deadline, I will work with you to provide a macro and micro analysis of your manuscript to make sure your narrative scaffolding is sound. This will include overarching editorial feedback as well as specific suggestions on how to strengthen structure, plot, voice, pacing, character development, and syntax.
Line Editing
In a line edit, I will read for clarity and continuity, using Track Changes to make notes and suggestions directly within your draft. I will also break out my inner grammar geek/syntax siren, offering comments throughout and asking questions if I come across elements of your story that need to be strengthened or explained. In short, a line edit means I dive into your work with a flashlight, sewing scissors, and the Oxford English Dictionary and show no mercy.
Do you have a final manuscript/proposal/pitch letter that's in good shape but needs an objective polish before querying or publication? In a proofread I will correct grammar, spelling, formatting inconsistencies, and address sundry elements of style so that your work conforms to industry standards. The result is a manuscript that is crisp, clean, and ready for an audience.
For Agents, Publishers, & Packagers
If you are a publishing professional with a project that needs focused editorial attention on a deadline, I can help. I’m an old hand (and quick draw) at fast critical reads, manuscript consultation, developmental and line editing, proofreading, and strategic brainstorming. I know how to work with both debut writers and established, multi-published authors in a way that brings out their best work. Services I offer include and are not limited to:
Freelance project editing (developmental, in-depth line-editing, proofreading): Flat fee based on project length and scope.
Manuscript evaluations & consultations, reader's reports, detailed editorial letters: Flat fee or hourly rate based on project length and scope.
Copywriting and writing for hire: If you are a publishing professional with a write-for-hire project, please contact me. I’ll let you know how I can help.
My rates are competitive and scalable to the needs of your project. For short projects and brief consultations, I charge an hourly rate. For more in-depth projects and full-length manuscripts that require detailed line edits, editorial notes, consultations, and multiple rounds of revision, I charge a flat fee based on word count and the overall scope of the project. All fees will be clearly discussed with you and mutually agreed upon before any work begins.
If you think I would be a good fit for your writing project, please get in touch and I would be happy to go over my rates in detail.